Our Trip to Alaska

We hope that you will enjoy keeping up with our family as we visit Alaska for 4 months.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sum It All Up

It's hard to believe, but we are heading into our last full week in Alaska.  In 11 days, we will be boarding a plane for a LONG flight back to SC.  As I am trying to get my mind prepared to begin packing, I wanted to take some time to "sum up" our trip.  Here are some random thoughts that I have going through my mind...
All 4 children LOVED their first plane ride...they like flying A LOT more than their mother!  During the first couple of weeks here, we enjoyed snowtubing at Elmendorf  Air  Force Base in Anchorage, and we enjoyed a day of  snowmachining with the family.  Chrissie had a great time watching Jeff  ROLL  (instead of ski) down the slopes, while Ben and Reagan looked like pros.  Joshua didn't go that time, but is going this weekend for the first time.  We each  had a good time spending Christmas and welcoming in 2011 in Alaska.  After 2 weeks, Jeff had a safe trip home, went back to work, and we got back to our school work.  Joshua has almost completed the eighth grade here, Ben-6th, and Reagan-3rd...Am I really going to have a high schooler next year???  We have been to a hockey game, seen the Northern Lights, walked on frozen lakes below a glacier, watched the Iditarod, vitited Whittier (and had a lot of fun driving through the one lane tunnel...on train tracks to get there.  The color of the water was beautiful, but the town was CLOSED for the winter.  We have watched a foot of snow  fall and  later,  had a lot of fun riding  South to see the breakup. We've seen moose, bald eagles, magpies, and mountain sheep.  Andrew's favorite was the porcupine at the preserve we visited.  We've enjoyed going and playing at AT&T Sports Center and swimming at the Alaska Club.  One of our favorite memories at AT&T will always be meeting Sarah Palin!  We didn't enjoy the five hour/30 mile tip back from Willow, but we did enjoy seeing Mount McKinnley.  The boys have enjoyed participating in Troop 300...they've gone rock climbing and attended a Merit Badge Weekend.  Reagan has enjoyed going to cheerleading with Ansley...those 2 girls GO from the time they get up until they go to bed at night.  They are really going to miss each other!  Andrew has enjoyed riding his tricycle, which he has learned to peddle since Christmas.  Time for a "big boy" bike when we get home!  We enjoyed eating at Tailgaiters and Piccolinos...didn't like the mexican here (just cannot touch LaHa!).  One big change since we've been here...when we arrived in December, the sun was up from about 10 until 3:30 each day.  Now we have about 12 hours of daylight ...from about 7:30-7.  We've survived many days of 50-70 mph winds,  the flu, negative temps (the lowest being  -11), and a Tsunami warning that we didn't know about until it was almost over.  We're still looking forward to another day trip...not sure where yet, and one more outing with Scouts before we go home.  Alaska has been a great adventure.  I think that it has taught us some things and has drawn our family closer togeher.  I must say  that  if  I ever come back, it will be in the summer, because there is so much more to see and do.  We are excited to be heading back to SC and getting back to "normal", but I know that  Alaska will always hold a special place in my heart!  Please pray that we will all be WELL, and that we have a safe trip home on the 23/24.

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